Birthday, the most important day in a person's life, the day you were born. It has to be because without it all the rest of the days would not exist, right? Yet some how the anniversary of my birth means little to me. Wait, that's not the whole truth. I do like to hear people extend their birthday greetings towards me. It feels good when someone you care about remembers you and thinks enough of you to say Happy Birthday. But when they forget or don't even know when your birthday is, well that's painful. Therefor I try very hard to remember everyone's birthday whom I care about or love. What is the purpose of this blog you ask? I have a brand new niece who is just one week old, I told her Happy Birthday little one, I'm so glad you're here. This is why I've been thinking a lot about birthdays. Alright... But I needed something to go with that cake photo. Eh I grow tired of this story already, I want to say "Happy Birthday" to you today even though chances are it's not your birthday. Go forth and celebrate each day as if it is your birthday.