~Above: Dudley after his veterinarian visit~
Dudley is a guinea pig who has red skin with some sores from scratching. He has been having seizes. The veterinarian checked him for mites and gave him a shot and we have been giving him oatmeal baths, got him a new cage and hypo allergenic bedding. Nothing seems to be helping him. He gets a little better but doesn't seem to recover. We won't give up on you little fella.
March 21, 2011
Update Dudley. He still isn't doing well. The vet prescribed him some medicated shampoo which he has been getting bathed in for a week now. It doesn't seem to help. I seriously don't think the vet knows what to do. I got him some Bag Balm and it was warmed up and put all over him. After four weeks of scratching, bleeding, crying and having convulsions, he instantly stopped scratching and calmed down. I hope so badly this helps him. We should know in a couple of days.
March 22, 2001
Good news, Dudley is a little better today! Yay for Bag Balm!
April 9, 2011
Dudley continues to heal from the Bag Balm. It's a little slower than I expected but he hasn't had a seizer in over a week now, is starting to grow back new fur and has come out of his cage to play after well over a month. I'm so happy for him. He really is a sweet little animal. December 2014 RIP little guy. Sad.