Last night I dreamed I was talking with my mom who passed eight months ago so I was enjoying talking and seeing her. I was about to tell her how much I miss her and how hard it was that she is gone and I woke up. When I fell back to sleep I was dreaming of a black snake trying to bite me. I found some raisins and candy and fed it to him until he died. So I went from a nice dream to a nightmare. What the heck does this mean? Does it mean anything or just that my brain is trying to work things out while I sleep. Gosh, I hope it's the later or I'm in dire need of a psychiatrist.
Why can't we go back to sleep and finish our dreams? What makes us dream? Dreams are often a reflection of your day memory. I believe this to be true since I received an old photograph of my parents yesterday from a cousin and it made me feel a lot of emotion. Our dreams are unique. No other individual can have your experiences, your emotions, or your background. Every dream is connected with your own "reality". I want to see my mom so I dream about her. I have no idea what the snake nightmare represents. Anyway, this is just a short observance and I’m trying to sort out the what and why of it all.
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