Sunday, April 26, 2009

Show Me Your um.....

My how things have changed since I was a teenager.
When I was a teenager we didn’t show our breasts to the general public, I don’t think my boyfriend ever saw my breasts. The only ones who did show them were the women you heard about that flashed people at a biker rally. And they were thought of as “tough biker chicks” and whores. Now it’s common for women to take nude or provocative photos of herself and share them with the whole world on the internet or sex texting or more commonly known as sex-ting. It’s like no big deal. Or….is it?
In some states they are trying to make it a law if a girl under 16 years old sends nude photos of herself to anyone, on her cell phone or any media, she can be charged with distributing child pornography. And if her boyfriend receives the photo and is gets caught he can be charged as a sex offender. This is a felony and he will have to register as sex offender permanently, a life long label for him. That is a very harsh sentence for something many think is harmless.

I’m not sure why Americans are so uptight about the female breast anyway. Europeans think we are crazy because we are so infatuated with the them. It’s just a body part and their purpose is to feed babies not to entertain men. Well I’m not getting on my high horse or anything, just making an observation. As soon as my body is the way I want it, and it’s getting better along with my face, I’m going to show the world anything I want to. I am planning a trip with some other people (group rate) to Columbia for plastic surgery in one year and have to prepare by losing weight. I’m going to fornicate with everyone who feels like fornicating with me too. Why not? Everyone’s doing it. My new moto: Use um and lose um.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Left is The von Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT, photographer unknown.

The hills are alive with "The Sound of Muuuuusic". I still love the sound track and the movie. Did you know that Maria von Trapp is actually in a scene, at the convent, in the movie? Yes, she is an extra and walks across the screen behind the movie stars. This movie brings out the little kid in me. Oh wait a minute I'm always like a little kid. Anyway, I was just recalling singing the song, Sixteen Going on Seventeen, dancing and jumping from huge rock to huge rock like, Angela Cartwright did in the movie in the gazebo scene; she jumped from bench seat to bench seat while she sang and danced in circles. It was behind my house in the woods, and I sang at the top of my lungs but I was actually only about six years old and could almost suspend my belief to where I was in the movie. Do Re Me was the first song I ever played on the piano, oh how proud I was.

One of the big highlights in life was going to the von Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont on a ski trip, which is where the actual von Trapp family moved to when they left Austria. It's a 2,400-acre resort has breath taking "sweeping mountain views" not unlike Austria because Vermont is beautiful also and one of my favorite states. I'd share some shots I took there but they are actual film photos and I don't know where they are at the moment and would have to scan them in. The one here is from a web page, they didn’t site any photographer.